I have been feeling like I can't breath for a while now. But not because of the weather.
In March I decided to go back to school, and began taking classes full time (14 credits), and I am still working part time. Being the perfectionist that I am, I have had a very difficult time letting go of the other things that I use to do. Keeping up the house, cooking wonderful dinners, scrap-booking and card making, quilting, watching chick flicks. These are all the things that I miss. But lately, the only thing I have time for is studying.
Summer term is just about 1/3rd over, and with 7 weeks to go, I am counting down my birthday, when I will take my last two finals (both in chemistry). To stay on course, I am trying to insert little breaks into my days and weeks, where I take a little time for me. so I don't feel like I am suffocating. Today, since I only had to work a few hours, I came home and decided that it was time to get my hair cut. So I took a quick trip down to the salon, and had a little me time. It was a good time and I like the cut. But now it is time to get down to business.
Yippy for the ideal gas law.