About Me

My name is Megan and I am a 30 year old coffee addict, wife, puppy mamma, nap loving, wanna be homesteader, and Naturopathic medical student.

My love for coffee started when I was about 12 years old. At that time it was mostly laden with sugar and cream. 18 years later and 7+ years being a barista gave me an appreciation for for smooth and strong espresso straight up. I drink anywhere from 2 to 6 cups of coffee a day (maybe more if it is during finals), adding in a few shots of espresso here and there. I still drink water, but I might be made up of 78% caffeine.

Mega Claw
I have been married to the same guy for the last 10 years. We got married very young, but I don’t regret it for one second. I knew after two months of dating that I was going to marry him. He makes me laugh and cry, but He is also pretty cool. I think I will keep him. He is also the one who gave me the nick-name Megan Claw after I was a sore loser in the game Monsters Menace America. I lost that game with the game piece Mega Claw. It just kind of stuck. We also have two dogs. Icarus, a 11 year old sheltie and Higgins (yes…after that one) who is a 2 year old German Sheppard/ Golden retriever mix. They keep life exciting and the house dirty.

We recently embarked on the adventure of chickens. Everyone is doing it right now…. I also like to make my own cleaners and bath products when I can. Some day I might out grow my brown thumb and actually get a garden to last for more than a season too.

I am in my last year of school at the National College of Natural Medicine where I am studying to be a Naturopathic Physician. I am set to graduate December 11, 2015. I keep a countdown on my phone to remind me every day that I am almost there. The countdown has been on my phone for the last 2 years. When I am done, I will take state board exams and become a licensed primary care physician. But…that isn’t what I want to be when I grow up.

I want to inspire people to be healthy, no matter what stage of life they are in. I believe there is so much more to health than yearly wellness visits. Health is experienced every day through the decisions we make and that are made for us. I believe health is not just a product of what we do, but our environment, genetics, social economical status, education and access.

I hope that by visiting my page you will know that life isn't easy, that health is more than the miles that you log at the gym or the numbers on the scale. Everyone struggles and most importantly you are not alone! If you have any questions – please, please, please contact me! I welcome questions and I am looking forward to sharing this journey with you!

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